I haven't met an herb I didn't like. Right now in my garden have more than a dozen varieties of herbs growing. I have different uses for all
of them. Some I love to use when roasting meats or vegetables, like
rosemary and sage. I put parsley and mint in my salads. I also use mint
in my teas. I use cilantro in guacamole, which I make almost every
week. And of course I have a bush of basil for when it comes time to
make homemade tomato sauce.
This year I've tried growing Greek basil and Thai basil with great success. My stir-frys and Thai curries are so much better with the addition of Thai basil, which has an anise-like flavor. For years I've been growing lovage, a perennial herb that grows four feet tall every year. Its flavor is a lot like parsley and celery combined, and its tall stalks look much like celery except that they are hollow like bamboo. You might have come across lovage used in a Bloody Mary but not have known what it was. The stalks make very nice straws.