How is it we crave food we've never even tasted? I've never been to Chicago and I've never eaten one of their hot dogs, but I knew I had to have one.
There are many hot dog purists out there and lots of opinions on how hot dogs should be served and constructed. I say, if you like it, then that's the way to serve it.
People love to connect over simple foods like this and who doesn't love a hot dog at the ball park during the summertime?
I had to try a Chicago-style dog because I wanted to taste the sweetness of the relish with the sourness of the peppers and the sprinkle of celery salt that is supposed to bring all the flavors together. So yesterday we braved the cold and the snow and fired up the grill.
Comfort Foods and Indulgences
Comfort Foods and Indulgences
Breakfast Egg Sandwich with Avocado and Chipotle Mayo
A healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Plus it's an easy way to get a healthy dose of calcium for your bones.
Not a breakfast eater? Could you try eating breakfast for 3 weeks? Because that's how long it takes your brain to develop a habit, and this is one healthy habit.
Eating a healthy breakfast can help you:
Jump start your metabolism, so you burn more calories all day long.
Consume fewer calories throughout the day since you tend to be less hungry and make smarter eating choices.
Stabilize your blood sugar, which has been linked to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.
Concentrate and perform better at work (hey, maybe that whole wheat toast and scrambled eggs could help get you a raise).
Build endurance with physical activity, so your work-outs will be better.
The Secret is in the Sauce
Sometimes what I crave isn't the thing itself but the sauce that goes with it. Years ago when I was a vegetarian, I did very well without eating meat except for a recurring craving for hot dogs. I couldn't go to a Dodger's game or a county fair without being taunted by the sight of a hot dog stand.
Even now, writing this, my mouth waters at the thought. In time I realized it wasn't actually the hot dog that I missed, it was the mustard, relish, and chopped onions that had me questioning my commitment to vegetarianism.
I have to confess to a lack of enthusiasm for fish. Over the years I have found appetizing ways to prepare salmon, sand dabs, tuna, and sole, but fish isn't my "meat" of choice.
31 Days Of Pie, Day 31: Gaby’s S’more Pudding Pie
Day 31 of 31 Days of Pie is Gaby’s S’more Pudding Pie, via Joy.
Well here we are at the last day of our 31 Days Of Pie. I won’t bother with a count, but I’m sure there were dozens of eggs, pounds and pounds of butter, endless calories, and tons of wonderfully sweet moments throughout the month. I don’t know about you, but I’m beyond excited to ring in 2015 and see all the wonderful things it will bring. I saved this pie for last because I think it’s one of the most beautiful pies I’ve ever seen thanks to Adam, and it comes from the world’s-best-friend-anyone-could-ever-hope-to-have Gaby by way of Joy, another fantastic friend of mine. It has a little bit of everyone in it, and it sums things up about how I feel about pie: they bring people together. And thank you for reading and commenting about this pie thang, it’s been so much fun!
Gaby’s S’more Pudding Pie
So Gaby says she took a few recipes from Joy’s latest book and crafted her own creation. This pie is the result. And it is FANTASTIC. Thank you, Gaby! Thank you, Joy!
I love dessert but who can wait till the end of the day to have it? Not me. I refuse to live that way.
That's why I love having this shake for breakfast. It tastes like you are having dessert and I am all about that kind of livin'. I love tricking myself into thinking I am getting a treat before 9 am. With this shake, it's not far from the truth.
As we were high-tailing it out of town on Sunday I made these to celebrate the beginning of our vacation. Of course it delayed us from leaving for about three hours but who cares right?
These Buttermilk Citrus Shakes are a wonderful combination of fresh orange and lemon juice.
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